Have A Question

Please use this field to ask us your question. We have specific forms on other parts of our website, but we’re happy to start the conversation right here. Our goal is to answer your piano question in a helpful and timely fashion. And we’re still happy to speak by phone – you can reach us at 416-922-3122 locally and Toll Free 1-877-674-2662. If you’re calling during business hours, a real live human will answer and be pleased to help.

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Please share the best phone number we can use to answer your question.
Please use this field to ask us your question. We have specific forms on other parts of our website, but we're happy to start the conversation right here. Our goal is to answer your piano question in a helpful and timely fashion. And we're still happy to speak by phone - you can reach us at 416-922-3122 locally and Toll Free 1-877-674-2662. If you're calling during business hours, a real live human will answer and be pleased to help. _______________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE NOTE: If you don't receive a response within one business day. please check your "Spam" or "Junk" folder!